About us

Culver City Flute Choir is composed of adult amateur flutists. The conductor, Patty Sikorski, is a freelance musician and private teacher in Culver City, and she has been leading the flute choir for more than twenty years. Culver City is located near Los Angeles, California.

For information about the flute choir or to find out how to contact Patty Sikorski for booking or private lessons, please send an email to CCFC.Info@gmail.com.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Variety is the spice of life

I did not read the letter that this letter refers to.
I do not know what a "flute band" is, as defined by someone living (and playing!) in the UK.

I have no idea what kind of specific behavior rankled people so much that they "ridicule and complain" about the so-called "flute bands," however, I will say that it kind of sounds like fun.

Enjoy: http://www.newsletter.co.uk/community/letters/flute_bands_liven_up_parades_1_3061269